PERVASIVE EYES ASTURIAS engages the inhabitants of Central Asturias in a self-centred exploration of their collective identity through social media parsing and augmented interviews…

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TYPE: VR Installation
VENUE: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (ES) 2021


FLOW Architecture has teamed up with a group of Italian architects and engineers to deliver the design of a pre-primary School Complex in the northern Italian village of Arcugnano…

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TYPE: Pre-primary School
STATUS: Developed Design - Ongoing
LOCATION: Arcugnano (IT)


INFERENTIAL FIELDS explores notions of spatialized inference and the emergence of spatial conversational models through the performative interplay of human and synthetic agencies…

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TYPE: AR Installation
STATUS: In progress


The LIGHT FALLS project consists in the extensive redevelopment of a Victorian terraced house in the London’s Borough of Kensington.The project features an entirely new organisation that revolves around a new interior courtyard…

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TYPE: Private Residential
STATUS: Completed (2019)
LOCATION: Kensington, London (UK)


Developed for the E17 Art Trail 2019 in London. The AFFECTUAL INFRASTRUCTURES project continues to explore the use of Galvanic Skin response (GSR) information, investigating emotional group patterns in urban spaces…

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TYPE: Mixed Media Installation
EVENT E17 Art Trail 2019
LOCATION: One Hoe Street, London (UK)



Set on the hills above Vicenza, in northern Italy, FOLDING GROUND responds to the need of a couple seeking to build an intimate retreat for their retirement. The project responds to the enchanting beauty of the surrounding landscape by folding its facade to maximise the connection with to the broad horizon…

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TYPE: Private Residential
STATUS: Detail Design - Ongoing
LOCATION: Arcugnano (IT)


_a home in kensington

In continuity with the architectural design of the LIGHT FALLS house, we were instructed with the design of and sourcing of the inetriors of the house…

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TYPE: Interior Design
STATUS: Completed (2019)

_Church Crescent

The project comprises of a double height rear extension to a post-modern dwelling in Hackney South. The design proposes a large ground floor open-space incorporating the kitchen, dining area and living room…

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TYPE: Private Residential
STATUS: Concept (2018)
LOCATION: Hackney, London (UK)


The HEARTBIT WALKS was designed as a psychogeographic mapping project for the London Festival of Architecture 2018. The project explored a section of urban fabric, stretching from the newly redeveloped Olympic Park, through the post-industrial area of Hackney Wick…

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TYPE: Mapping Event
EVENT: London Festival of Architecture 2018
LOCATION: Hackney Wick, London (UK)


The project was developed for the Tallinn Architecture Biennale Pavilion Competition 2017. The project proposes a mechanically ventilated timber structure, designed to support the growth of ivy-like creepers and exploit their ability to absorb the airborne particles…

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TYPE: Competition (3rd Prize)
EVENT: Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2017
VENUE: Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn (EE)


Developed for the London Festival of Architecture 2016, INTERTWINED explores the powerful relationship between architectural design and the experience of space through the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team with backgrounds in architecture and dance…

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TYPE: Mixed Media Installation
EVENT: London Festival of Architecture 2016
VENUE: Private Property, London (UK)