


Embodied communication encompasses the whole body beyond verbal information exchange, dwelling on spatialised communication patterns as the basis of reasoning and inference making processes.

INFERENTIAL FIELDS explores notions of spatialized inference and the emergence of spatial conversational models through the performative interplay of human and synthetic agencies. Initially developed during a two-week residency at PACT Zollverein Choreographisches Zentrum in Essen (DE) in 2020, the project is undergoing a further phase of development to be rearticulated in the form of a responsive immersive installation.

The movement and the emotive response (Galvanic Skin Response) of two performers are tracked live during an exercise of improvisation. The two dancers are tasked with developing adversarial dynamics of space occupation, developing emergent rules of communication through the interaction with spatialised responsive intelligence, expressed in the form of a large-scale background projection.


In the iteration of the project developed at PACT Zollverein, the projection is coded using simulation force fields and dynamic perturbation driven by the position of the limbs and the Galvanic Skin response peaks, informing circular mechanisms of open feedback within the part-human part-machinic ecology.  

The initial residency explored the construction of the infrastructure for data management with a workflow that used Arduino GSR Sensing and Kinect Motion Sensing with Processing to transmit live information to Houdini.  Further work is planned to streamline the digital platform and the overall design of the visual output.

Also, the exploration of the emergent and embodied communication patterns through movement is due for further development through unsupervised learning and clustering methods in OpenCV. As a result, the project intends to further broaden our understanding of the metastatic process of knowledge construction and reasoning within part-human part-machinic performative ecologies.



A project by FLOW Architecture (Annarita Papeschi & Vincent Nowak)

PROJECT TEAM: Annarita Papeschi, Vincent Nowak, Sohyun Ahn

The project was supported by a residency grant from PACT Zollverein Choreographisches Zentrum

All media: (C) FLOW Architecture